A bit puzzled, but intrigued the builder decided to play along,
“Yes, I do as it happens.”
“Well, then it’s logical to assume that you either keep it in a bowl or a pond. Which is it?”
“A pond” the builder replied.
“Well, then it’s logical to assume that you have a large garden.”
The builder nodded his agreement.
So the man continued, “which means it’s logical to assume you have a large house.”
“I have a 6 bedroom house that I built myself.” the builder said proudly.
“Given that you have such a large house, it’s logical to assume that you are married…”
The builder nodded again, “Yes, I’m married and we have three children.”
“Then it’s logical to assume that you have a healthy s*x life.”
“Five nights a week!” the builder boasted.
The man smiled a little, “Therefore it’s logical to assume you don’t m@sturbate often.”
“Never!” the builder exclaimed.
“Well, there you have it” the man explained,
“That’s logical science at work. From finding out that you have a goldfish, I’ve discovered the size of your garden, all about your house, your family and your s*x life!”
The builder left, very impressed by the man’s talents. On returning to the bar the other builder asked,
“I see that smart bloke was in there, did you find out what he does?”
“Yeah,” replied the first, “He’s a logical scientist.”
“A what?” the puzzled second builder asked.
“Let me explain” the first builder continued,
“Do you have a goldfish at home?”
“No” replied his mate.
“Well, you’re a wanker then!