Bus Driver Gets Fired For Writing An Honest Facebook Post—About A Student—That Goes Viral


The bus driver was given two options: either recant his Facebook post or be fired.
He chose the latter.
Despite the public outcry over Cook's firing, the school district backed up their decision by saying they have a strict Facebook policy, which he broke.
But Cook said he didn't regret sharing the story online, and wouldn't take it back. ”I'm proud of the reaction and I'm proud I was able to make a stand when some people may not be able to, ”He said. “And maybe I was able to make a change, in some way, cause a little change.”
But Cook said he didn't regret sharing the story online, and wouldn't take it back. ”I'm proud of the reaction and I'm proud I was able to make a stand when some people may not be able to, ”He said. “And maybe I was able to make a change, in some way, cause a little change.
Do you think Cook should have been fired for exposing the truth? Let us know, and please SHARE this with your friends on Facebook!