Bride Wants Deadbeat Dad To Walk Her Down The Aisle, Stepfather’s Response Leaves Family In Shock



His story quickly went viral and readers across the globe wanted to know what happened next. The fed-up father returned with an update:

EDIT: The immediate aftermath was tantrum and people sitting there mumbling while not actually saying anything to me, but to each other.

After much yelling with the GF about me being selfish, I spent the night in my home office and no one knocked on my door, not once. Today’s aftermath is kind of depressing for me. GF brought me Bride’s wedding planner to show me how much work I was ruining.

I thumbed through it, found a page in the music section for Father / Daughter dances. All of the songs were catered to Real Dad’s taste. So I thought they were just being disrespectful, but now I’m feeling like they never really gave a crap at all, especially since the menu included two ingredients I’m allergic to, that actually made me laugh.

Either way, I’m glad to be done, returned the planner and asked her when she and bride could move out. Also, I never promised to pay for the wedding. I offered them the use of my home when they were sure it was going to be small, but other than that, all I’ve heard is how it’s the Bride’s family that should pay, so, let it be the bride’s family then, aka, not me.

Girlfriend and Bride are now moved out. They are moving in with the groom. It was very hard not to be petty with some of the “belongings” they took with them, but it’s done and I switched out the locks and now it’s time for a brew.

I can’t believe how popular this story got, but I feel good to be given support by so many. If I find out what happens with the wedding, I will let you know, but I can’t guarantee that I will put in the effort to find out. From what I’ve heard they are trying to “scale things back” and get his parents to help out.

GF burned bridges when I found out she tried to write herself a check on our joint account the day after the unpleasantness. By then I had already moved money, so I guess I’m a bigger ass than her, but I could feel it coming.

That’s all. Thanks.

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